Innovative Marketing Strategies | SALE

SaleFrontier’s client was acquired by EPIXTAR, an international leader in business process outsourcing and call center operations
IMS is a leading, mid-sized telemarketer with call center operations located in the United States and the Philippines. The Company provides integrated direct marketing solutions, primarily through outbound telemarketing services.
The majority shareholder and original founder and President of IMS was interested in pursuing other personal and business opportunities, while other shareholders and executive officers were interested in leveraging their industry expertise in continuing their careers. The shareholders’ goal was to maximize valuation of IMS with an acquirer that could propel IMS’ business.
Frontier helped IMS develop an exit strategy for the business, respond to an initial offer from an interested acquirer, and manage a marketing and sale process that culminated in the acquisition by EPIXTAR, which had existing operations in the telemarketing space.